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ul. Budziszyńska 70A
60-179 Poznań
TAX ID: PL9721264030
KRS: 0000617819
Hollywood Plaza
(POK 1218-19/f)
610 Nathan Road, Mangkok,
Hong Kong, China
How our industrial design company came to be
Our first official office, 2012.
In 2005, tired of designing smaller and smaller USB sticks over and over, two talented industrial designers decided to quit their corporate jobs and start their own industrial design company.
As it soon turned out, specializing in making miniscule electronics paid off. Their first major design client was a company planning to manufacture a smart die. No bigger than an inch wide, the die had to be packed with hi-tech electronics and mechanical features that, when paired with an iPad, would turn it into a complete gaming system.
The design was a tremendous success. The product, Dice+, was the first smart gaming system to be sold at the Apple Store, and even caused a stir when German chancellor Angela Merkel praised it at the CES consumer electronics trade show in Hamburg.
We don't believe in coincidence!
As it turned out, this wasn’t the only success that stemmed from this project for the growing Mindsailors team. The CEO of Dice+ decided to help raise funds and himself invest in the upcoming industrial design company, and in the years to come, he himself jumped ship and joined Mindsailors as CEO.
In the years that followed, our designs won a number of awards, including the Reddot design award, the IF design award, and the German design award. This resulted in global recognition and international clients. With hundreds of projects to our account, our team gained priceless experience in medical device design, industrial machinery design and consumer electronics design.
In 2022, Mindsailors also got an R&D Center certification from the Polish government, which solidified our position as a premier one-stop shop for all product development needs.
Today, as a household name in the CEE region, Mindsailors make a name for ourselves on international waters. With 18 years of industrial design company experience, we look towards the future, hungry for more.